Exhibition of Satoshi Nishikawa at Babaghuri Kiyosumi main store in Tokyo
2025 2/15(Sat)〜2/24(Mon) 11:00〜19:00
2/14(Fri) Closed at 15:00
Babaghuri Kiyosumi store
3-1-7, Kiyosumi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
On 2/15(Sat) 11:00-13:00, reservations are required.
(After 13:00, free to visit the store.)
Reservations can be made by sending an email to: babaghuri_reserve@jurgenlehl.jp
Only one person can make a reservation per application. If a large number of applications are received, a lottery will be held.
Reservation application period: 2/6(Thu)10:00 – 2/8(Sat) 18:00
Please send us the following information with the subject line ‘Satoshi Nishikawa Exhibition Reservation’.
(1) Your full name
(2) Telephone number where you can be reached on the day
(3) Your address
(4) Preferred time of visit,
A 11:00 – 11:50, B 12:00 – 12:50, C No preferred time.
We will reply to you by 2/11(Tue).